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About Us



(Left-Lindsi Right- Kayla)

Picture it: Sicily 1912 (not really..)


Okay, Picture it: Florence, Alabama. 1998. Two little girls meet(probably for the first time because they always missed one another at the family reunions) and they find out they are cousins(eeekkk) Fast forward through years of friendship,probably 11 years later, they decided to purchase studio lights(for reasons still unknown) The weird incident turns out to be one of the greatest ideas they ever had.

Those girls, are us. Kayla & Lindsi, or Lindsi & Kayla(depending on which one of us talks first) and we are PbK.

Most besties meet up for coffee, or the occasional dinner, but we aren't most besties. We are unique set of women who share a love and respect for one another, enough so that we ONLY like to work closely every day with our best friend. Just Kidding, we like to work with a lot of people. We love this business and the special relationships that we have formed with many families over the years. Seeing little curled up babies who are just a few days old grow up into clumsy little toddlers basically plays on our heartstrings. Watching teenagers become adults and having the honor of working with them on their wedding day. Simply having the joy of watching life happen at so many stages is a blessing.

We are hilarious(at least we think we are) Our brains have this really odd connection where we don't have to discuss anything and already have the same thought. We love one another and those around us. We are human so sometimes we fight like an old married couple.  When you come to hang out with us(that's what we say you are doing if you come do a session, because lets face it- we are going to want to be your friend and friends hang out) You will see us looking beautifully fabulous, rocking out t-shirts and if you're lucky we may even have on make up. Though that's not likely-- unless its your wedding day and we do actually have nice clothes that match. haha. Lindsi more than likely will not have shoes on during in-studio sessions and Kayla will probably still be sweating from thy gym, but we promise to make your sessions as fun as possible! (if you're a dad/husband reading this, what we really mean as quickly as possible because we know how much you men adore photo time) Though we cannot not promise not to take silly selfies your kids, we can promise to love your family and know how important the images from sessions are to you, and what's important to you is important to us.

Hopefully by now, after reading entirely to much about us, you will want to come and "hang out". We would absolutely love to have you and hope to hear from you soon!



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